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CANTIERE INTERNAZIONALE DELLA MASCHERA Aprile 2019 Villa del Presidente Livorno. Quattro giorni in Bottega, 18 ore di lavoro. Docenti Giovanni Balzaretti, Guillermo Balzaro per Informazioni ed Iscrizioni: tel 340.5632687 E-mail info@mascherecommediadellarte.it Pagina Fb Maschere Commedia dell’Arte MASKS MANUFACTURING LABORATORY The April 2019 Livorno, Italy. Four days of commitment, 18 hours of work. Professor Giovanni Balzaretti, Guillermo Balzaro You can make a mask of the tradition of the Commedia dell’Arte, or your fantasy project on existing models. It only works with top quality raw materials, treated naturally and with hand tools to the sixteenth century. INFORMATIONS and REGISTRATIONS tel 340.5632687 E-mail info@mascherecommediadellarte.it Page Fb Maschere Commedia dell’Arte
Tempo di lettura: < 1 minuto

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